Here’s how Instagram could crush Twitter in 2 years


Instagram is about to get a whole lot of love from marketers.

According to a new study by presented by eMarketer, the Facebook-owned social media platform will surpass Twitter in popularity for marketers in 2017.

In the study, they saw that 88 percent of U.S. companies will use least one major social networking platform for marketing purposes this year. Right now, Instagram is poised to capture a huge percentage of that over the next two years.

The study also showed that 32 percent of U.S. companies with 100 employees or more will use Instagram for marketing this year alone. However, that number is expected to jump to at least 49 percent next year and up to about  71 percent by 2017.

This would easily edge out Twitter who’s growth is estimated at only to 67 percent by 2017.

Instagram offers another bonus for marketers, an exclusive engagement opportunity for users compared to both Facebook and Twitter, where advertisements share a screen with tons of posts that compete for a user’s attention on a daily basis.

Another thing that is driving the success of Instagram is their Facebook ownership. This is likely helping growth because they now offer a one-stop shop for marketers by allowing advertisers to buy ads on both platforms in the same campaign. This makes fluidity between the two channels easy to promote, manage and execute.

While Twitter is expected to grow slightly for marketers, it will not nearly keep pace with what Instagram will do. Twitter’s overall marketing penetration is expected to increase by just 1.4 percent in 2017. This leaves a huge opportunity for Instagram to knock Twitter out of it’s top place for the first time ever.

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